No matter what your chosen breed or discipline, lateral work is important for helping your horse develop better flexibility, suppleness, and balance. This leads to a better engagement and strength, and is often useful for therapeutic work, as well.
But all that can ONLY happen if you're presenting and riding your lateral work correctly. Otherwise, you could be causing a whole host of problems for you and your horse.
I'm a student of the horse, and I'm addicted to learning. I have committed my life to learning and growing with, for, and about the horse.
I was also incredibly fortunate to be offered the opportunity to spend extended time with master horseman Ray Hunt. This uncovered many layers of feel and timing in my relationship with horses; pieces of which I continue to develop daily.
My learning and teaching has taken me all around the world, and I've been fortunate to build my education from many teachers. Renowned master western horseman Ray Hunt was my primary mentor early in my career. He uncovered many layers of feel and timing in my relationship with horses.
Along my journey, Mark Russell, a student of Master Nuno Oliveira, brought new ideas and set me down another path in this horsemanship journey by introducing an understanding of the biomechanics of the horse and the influence that has on feel and timing. This combination of working with the horse on the inside as well as the outside, psychologically and physically, really helps us to understand a more "total package."
I am blessed to pass along the classical perspectives that my many teachers have share with me. I have studied, and continue to study each year with...
Charles de Kunffy - Luis Valença and family - The Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian Art - among many more.
I have ridden and trained horses in the Grand Prix movements, advanced in-hand work, and haute ecole.
Coupling this with an understanding of the horse's psychology and bodywork modalities really allows us to see riding for the classical art that is meant to be... a way to help the horse become the best version of themselves.
I have also recently returned to the show arena (when my intense teaching schedule allows) and earned my Bronze and Silver USDF medals... which goes to show that classical horsemanship principles CAN and DO still fit inside the competitive arena.
Join Patrick King for this FREE ONLINE TRAINING about 5 common mistakes often made in lateral work and how to fix and avoid them!